Tuesday 15 April 2014


Ratnāgiri (Marathi: रत्‍नागिरी) is a port city on the Arabian Sea coast in Ratnagiri District in the southwestern part of Maharashtra, India. The district is a part of Konkan.

The Sahyadri mountains border Ratnagiri to the east. Heavy rainfall results in highly eroded landscape in the coastal region, but fertile alluvial valleys in the region produce abundant rice, coconuts, cashew nuts, and fruits, "Hāpus" (Alphonso) mangoes being one of the main fruits. Fishing is an important industry in Ratnagiri.

A few illustrious Indians, including Lokmānya Tilak i.e. Bal Gangadhar Tilak, a prime leader in the nation's freedom movement in the British Raj days; Bharat Ratna "Maharshi" Dhondo Keshav Karve, a social reformer and educationist; and Wrangler Paranjpe i.e. Wrangler Raghunath Purushottam Paranjpe, a mathematician and educationist, were born in Ratnagiri or its vicinity.
Ratnagiri has also been featured in Amitav Ghosh's novel, 'The Glass Palace.' The Jaitapur Nuclear Power Project is located in the district.  


In 1731, Ratnagiri came under the control of Satara kings; subsequently, the British gained control in 1818.
Earlier, one of the Bijapur rulers Potu Sri Chenna Reddy had built a fort on a headland near the harbour of Ratnagiri, and Maratha king Shivaji had strengthened it in 1670.

Ratnagiri has a palace, where the last king of Burma (Myanmar), Thibaw, and, later, "Veer" V. D. Savarkar, a freedom fighter in the British Raj days, had been confined by the ruling British.

According to a legend, after their twelve-year exile, Pandavas of the Mahabharata epic had settled for a while in the vicinity of Ratnagiri during their pilgrimage in the thirteenth year, and the then king of the region, Veeravrat Rāy, had subsequently fought on their side against Kauravas during the Mahabharata war at Kuruskshetra. 

Marine Biological Research Station

The Government of Maharashtra under the Department of Fisheries established the Marine Biological Research Station (MBRS) in 1958 at Ratnagiri, which is presently attached with Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, Dist.: Ratnagiri. The research station has a 10 hectare area as field facility including a three storied building at main campus, a well equipped 'Aquarium and Museum', a modernised brackish water fish farm, a Mechanized Fishing and Research Vessel, Seed Production facilities and various laboratories at its disposal.

The Marine Biological Research Station, Ratnagiri is one of the premier institutes, especially in the South Konkan Coastal Fisheries Zone, having a mandate for development of fish production technologies, transferring the technologies to fish culturists, entrepreneurs and the industry, and generating professionally trained manpower in fish culture.

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